Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Indecent Proposals

In a rare two minute break from the relentless ten-hour working day, I was asked to come up with a controversial topic of conversation. My immediate response was to ask "what would you do for a million dollars?". This led to the sordid storyline of the Robert Redford, Demi Moore film Indecent Proposal but for fear of angering Ashton Kucher, I will ask you some different questions -

"Would you have a silly word tattooed on your forehead for $1 million?"

"Would you have your head shaved for $10,000?"

"Would you drown a kitten for $10,000?"   (if the kitten was irritating, smelly and depressed, would that change your mind?)

"Would you change your name permanently to Silly Banana?"

"Would you have your tongue pierced for $1,500"


  1. It depends, I assume you are talking Australian Dollar, not Hong Kong. Would go with the shaved head (but you wouldn't get much hair cut for your money).

  2. How much to become a Silly Banana??
