Monday, January 9, 2012

Ant Crushing for Beginners

Do you recognise that distinctive crushed ant smell? Did you know that it acts as a panic signal for other ants? My story begins with an attempt to straighten some driveway paving yesterday. An easy task were it not for the ant colony living underneath those same pavers. Initially a few ants would be leisurely going about their anty business. But once a few climbed onto my feet or hands and I brushed them away, they'd all go crazy. Thousands more would emerge from below and they'd be running madly in all directions. And instead of treating me as a large obstacle they'd have to climb over or go around, they'd actively start biting, latching onto me with their mouth pincers and not letting go despite several flicks. All because of the smell released by one crushed ant which told them they were under attack and needed to repel any nearby threats. This beserker activity would last for several minutes before gradually they'd calm down and I could start work on the pavers again. Next time I shall  find some way to distract them rather than face attack from a thousand tiny suicidal creatures.

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