Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hand-Holding for Safety

Lone pedestrians are unsafe. Lacking peripheral vision or with poor judgement of distances and speed of oncoming traffic, they can step out into a street not realising they're in jeopardy. Furthermore walking with a partner can also be problematic - if you're a speedy walker while your partner saunters along without a care in the world, that leads to frustration as you need to stop and wait every ten steps.

My solution is to require hand-holding. You then become part of a four-eyed walking unit. Not only are there more eyes checking for danger and determining the optimal path around hazards and obstructions, your hand-holding partner can hold you up if you stumble, saving you from a twisted ankle. You're also more visible to vehicles, and your speed is now the average of you and your partner's. But most importantly, you're immediately in a romantic mood. This means that hand-holding with colleagues is not advisable except in same-sex pairings.

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