Friday, March 18, 2011

Day Vagueness

My new watch doesn't display the day of the week. After relying on digital watches to tell me the day since the early 1980s, I now have to guess and I frequently get it wrong. On Sunday I thought it was Saturday. On Monday I thought it was Sunday. On Tuesday I thought it was either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. By Wednesday I knew it was midweek, maybe Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. I feel constantly unsettled and uneasy being lost in time.

The part of my brain that should store days has never developed, and now that I've nearly reached adulthood, it's too late - those neurons aren't going to appear now. I feel mildly intellectually impaired and would like to warn others out there of the dangers of relying on digital watches from childhood, to prevent others ending up in my befuddled state.

1 comment:

  1. You’ll have to start tying a piece of string around your toe, starting with your left small toe on Monday, then when you get to the right foot ... whoopee its the weekend !
