Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Star Trek or Mad Max?


Until recently, I've assumed that humanity's future would resemble Star Trek. Scientific
and technological progress would continue uninterrupted for centuries until we have the capacity to colonise the solar system and beyond. Medical advances, bio-engineering, nanotech and so on would improve our lives immeasurably. But with runaway climate change seeming increasingly likely, our future may now resemble those post-apocalyptic scenarios featuring bands of survivors eking out a harsh existence in a climate-ravaged landscape, a la Mad Max. If the Greenland and Antarctic ice shelves collapse and sea levels rise higher and higher, then our current society will struggle to cope. Ports and coastal cities won't function,  crops will fail, and mass migration to more temperate regions will occur. Not everyone will survive in a future with food shortages, lack of medical care and collapse of law and order. Exciting times ahead - I always thought Star Trek was a bit lame anyway!


  1. I think it's already started in Queensland

  2. You're thinking of the 2012 scenario, as depicted in the movie of that name. Yes, this seems likely for Qld at least.
