Thursday, January 6, 2011

Top Ten Films for 2010 (final)

After jumping the gun and publishing my top ten films of the year slightly early, back in September, I've now revised the list to take into account the last four months.

Equal 10th - Green Zone, Inception, Ghostwriter, Tron Legacy
9. Fantastic Mr Fox 
8. The King's Speech 
7. In the Loop 
6. Men Who Stare at Goats 
5. Social Network 
4. Kickass 
3. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
2. Avatar 
1. Shutter Island 
    Honourable mentions go to City Island and Micmacs, which just missed out.


    1. Kickass at no.4 !!??

      Oh really, Lewk!

      I have no faith in your rankings at all.

      Can you publish your 10 best movies of ALL time so I can publish more disparaging comments?

    2. Monsieur Rob, I will indeed publish the all-time list. But perhaps you can contribute... what are your top 3 of all time?

    3. I agree with bored Rob! (for once!)

      Your list is very disapointing Lewk!! How can you not include inception!??!! Oh well.

    4. You two are terrible. I am going to cave in to popular pressure and revise my list again. Have a look...

    5. I like movies made before 1975
