Thursday, January 6, 2011


After the downpour last night, your roving photographer was out and about with a camera, capturing the beauty of puddles. Here's one near my house.

Note the red lights of a Light Cycle from Tron in the centre

This position was treacherous for me because any car coming along would splash me as they ploughed through the puddle.


  1. This photo makes me happy.

    (Lewk, what's my best way of making contact with the Piara at this time of year?)

  2. I'm not sure about the Piara folk... perhaps you could find them Facebooking? There's no trace of them visiting this blog though.

  3. Oh what's with you two! Miss me that much! I have only re-gained normal activities (i.e. blog visiting) today because this is the only day that we have not reached the 30 degrees!! I was in a freezer before trying to cool myself...

  4. You should have been chillaxing in the ocean with me and the jellyfish and all the other cool cats. Freezers are too icy !

  5. Ice Ice baby! haha! Jellyfish NO Thank You!

  6. The Piara are not friendly.
