Thursday, April 28, 2011

Laying Turf for Lazy Blighters

What do you do if your neighbours with 4-wheel-drives and trailers park on your verge constantly, ripping up your once verdant lawn, turning it into a sandheap with an occasional tuft of grass? Don't follow my lead. I saw some cheap turf for sale at the local hardware store and loaded up my car with it. Then at 7am on Easter Sunday morning, I laid the stuff with no preparation. Of course, it broke up and I had to patch it together. And with the neighbour's car parked there as ever, I had to crawl underneath it to lay the turf. So there we have it, a lawn-laying disaster. At least it only cost me $18.


  1. Put a cup in at one end, and call it mini crazy golf.

  2. Great idea. However passers-by will use the cup as a bin for their fast-food wrappers !

  3. maybe you should buy some more lawn Lewk!

  4. Surely this lawn will spread outwards from the centre. Is that how grass works?
