Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fast Movement

You might know of the Slow Movement, the idea that we should take our time and savour the moment in different realms of our life, be it eating, travelling, consuming media. This lazy philosophy is so contrary to my principles that I'm founding a new organisation to counter their misguided ideology. My Fast Movement had its first meeting over morning tea today, and came up with the following principles:
  • Drive fast - get to the speed limit as soon as your car will propel you, and stay there.
  • Eat fast - the more you eat, the quicker your body will digest it, and you'll be empty sooner, ready for the next meal
  • Multi-task -  if you're not doing three things at once, you're wasting your brainpower. For example, do a sudoku while watching tv and eating, or do some gardening while listening to the radio and texting. Avoid single-tasking situations, such as having to wait in a queue to buy something. The Fast Movement solution is to either order over the internet, or while queueing, listen to podcasts on your phone, and read a magazine.
Not only is dead time is a complete waste of your life, it can actually kill you quicker. Or at least it feels like that.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve figured it out then, Diets and Non-Diets, Your challenge is group the items above into breakfast and lunch. ALL AT ONCE, quickly.
