Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Age Superiority

When you're a youngster, everyone you meet is older, wiser, more experienced at life, and you know nothing by comparison. You're at the bottom of the heap. As a schoolkid, progressing through the years, you're gradually increasing in status as you see new kids start each year and you have the advantage over them. You start a new job, and you're the most inexperienced, lowest of the low. Then gradually you gain some insights into what you're doing and you're moving up the rungs slowly. So how do you feel when you're getting old? Is there a relaxed sense of wisdom and calmness from having been around for a while and knowing how the world works? And when you're older than 99% of people you meet in everyday life, do you get a tiny feeling of superiority over them all?  I guess I'll have to wait a few decades to find out.

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