Friday, November 25, 2011

Random Rubbishings

Every year or so, the local council changes its rubbish collections. A few months ago, residents were given the option of replacing their large non-recyclables wheelie bin for a small red bin. And as a reward for downsizing we could then request a large green bin for garden clippings. And to complete the set, everyone has a yellow bin for recyclables. Now comes the tricky part - which bins to put out each week? Some are collected weekly, some fortnightly; but during holidays, it may be delayed by a day or two. So what is a confused resident to do?

My technique is to drive up and down the street, analysing what combinations of colours are left on the verge. This was foolproof in the days of two types of bins. Even if only two-thirds of people were correct, that was a strong enough sign. But now with at least colours, everyone is confused. Last night I drove from one end of the street to the other and found pockets of neighbours who were trying their luck with a red and a green, but other pockets who were going with a green and yellow. Or just a red. There was no consistent pattern to be discerned. And so for the third week in a row, I made my pick and took out two bins, and woke up the next morning disappointed - yet again only one bin was emptied. But I'm adamant this won't happen again - I'm taking notes about bin colours each week, and by the end of two or three weeks, I'll have cracked the pattern, and once again my rubbish will be disposed of, rather than accumulating endlessly beside my front door.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, you see, you need to confuse all your neighbours by just putting all bins out when unsure. It's foolproof (albeit hard work in bin wheeling)!
