Monday, November 14, 2011

Midsummer Night's Party

Do you stay till the bitter end of parties? In the back of my mind, I always hope that as the evening turns into early morning and sobriety diminishes and tiredness grows, the inherent weirdness of the world will emerge from the shadows and reveal itself. Once darkness falls and any formalities are over, and once the first guests are leaving with their excuses ("I need to be up early tomorrow" is the most common), the atmosphere can change for the better. As long as there's a core of like-minded people, there's potential. These are folk who are prepared to stay up till dawn if they're suitably entertained. Music can help the mood, and a spontaneous conga line that ends up in a golf course bunker is always a good sign, but whatever the outcome, it's worth trying to overcome the desire to sleep so that just for once, you'll see the faeries emerge from their hidey-spots.

For an inkling of my meaning, watch A Midsummer Night's Dream. I do like the 1999 film version

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