Monday, August 1, 2011

Is This a Chipmunk?

Spotted at the summit of Sulphur Mountain last week in Canada, near Whistler.


  1. A story about these critters.

    I too did a similar trail as you are now on, and taking in the splendid scenery stood for a while to capturing a view. I did feel a very slight movement on my trouser leg, but took no notice at first. This movement continued, and on looking down to my surprise, saw one of these critters front paws up leaning against my leg. I stood still, curious and enchanted by this little furry creature, then suddenly realised what it was doing (not the dog story). I raised my leg slightly (gave a few 'verbal' comments to it) and after a few seconds, it dropped down, looked up at me, and calmly scurried off. It had nibbled an almost perfectly circular patch out of the material.

    Don't know why it had done this, but hope it made some good of its ill gotten gain. Or could this be by means of training, by the local department stores ?

    I hope you continue enjoying your travels, but beware, wear a stout pair of trousers !!!

  2. Wow Bod, that is an amazing story. You must wear very tasty trousers !

  3. "Mmm... trousers", as Homer would say.
