Monday, November 29, 2010

Shadow Play

Exactly once a year, when we approach the summer solstice, and the position of the sun in the sky at midday lines up exactly with the windscreen of a luxury car parked in a reserved spot outside the office window, sunlight is focused into a beam that illuminates our room, and casts enormous shadows on the far wall.

Someone forgot to comb their hair today

This is spectacular enough, but even more fantastic is that occasionally silhouettes of people who are not present appear. One year ago we were shocked to see the outline of a young lady with amazingly fluffy hair. She appeared with a watering-can and spent a long time tending to the shadow tree.

And three years ago, we saw another young lady's shadow throwing pop-pops at the wall with audible effect.


  1. You don't seem to be scared of the young lady yourself so I can conclude that you are a ghostly figure yourself and that this blog is the only way you can communicate with the living beings...

  2. Hmmm, I do have a strange affinity for the "Sixth Sense" ...what can that mean?

  3. perhaps that there is another Bruce Willis fan in the office?

  4. not with hair like that
