Monday, November 8, 2010

Dinosaurs in the Garden

Cleaning out the shed yesterday, I moved a pot and a couple of large geckoes emerged. Being noctural, they weren't too pleased when I moved them outside into the sunlight for their photoshoot, and they refused to stay still for long. But I did manage to get a few decent shots before they ran back into the safety of the darkness.

Their camouflage pattern would make them invisible against a 1970's wallpaper.


  1. What do you mean 1970's, we have that pattern. Or are we infested with geckoes. I swear I see something move, but I do need these specs changing.

  2. It's likely that you have both geckoes and bad eyes ! Have any cats in the neighbourhood gone missing recently? It's a sure sign of Giant Gecko activity.

  3. Not cats, but the wife's gone missing. Come to think of it, I haven't seen the milkman in ages either. Really should gets these specs changed.

  4. For a replacement wife, please visit South Fremantle or Subiaco.

  5. Lewk. Not sure what these places have to offer me. Better get my specs sorted, and have a butchers.
