Monday, April 13, 2015

Announcing a New Festival

Having been an avid participant of Perth's endless summer of festivals, I have an idea for my own new one.

Since the Perth International Arts Festival film programme started in late November, followed by the Fringe Festival and PIAF and then the Alliance Francaise French Film Festival, there's been hardly an evening when I've been free to chill out in the lounge room. Therefore I'm proud to announce today the Perth Evening-In Festival. Participants need not enrol, but they're encouraged to follow the official programme of events. Here's a sample, showing the activities for tonight.

Day 1 

7pm - assemble in your lounge room. Shoes off please.

7.15pm - start drinking. Cider or dessert wine is recommended to start.

7.30pm - watch Letterman's show from last night.

8.30pm - stick in a DVD from one of the following series (Game of Thrones, Penny Dreadful or House of Cards)

9.30pm - open up the liqueur chocolates, and start DVD number 2.

11.30pm - end of Day 1

* * *
Compared to the existing festivals, this one lacks overpriced drinks, and there's no difficulty in finding parking. Also, nobody cares if you fall asleep halfway into a boring show.

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