Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tea Luxury Spectrum

It's apparent that the world is missing a meaningful method of assessing the level of luxury you're experiencing with your cup of tea. Let's start at the bottom and work our way up.

  1. Cold water - hardly worth mentioning, but for the strict ascetics, a cup of cold water can be regarded as a minimal cup of tea. It has the hydrating effect but none of the taste. And there's no ceremony in its preparation.
  2. Hot water - some dieters prefer this to a cup of tea, but the logic escapes me. My recommendation is to use this only if you're freezing and don't have warm clothes.
  3. Black tea - now we're in business. Still regarded as slightly kooky and alternative, it is nonetheless tea, with that soothing aroma. 
  4. White tea - this is so English. But it's still missing something...
  5. White tea with sugar. Now we're in business. The standard cuppa. 
  6. White tea with sugar and shortbread. The biscuit adds that touch of excess. One or two biscuits are acceptable. Any more and you're turning a drink into a meal.
  7. High tea - the pinnacle. Restrict this to more than once a year, or you'll spoil the effect.

What level of luxury do you experience? I'm normally in the 3 to 5 range. 

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