Friday, October 29, 2010

Boulder and Boulder

Yep it's true. I've completely run out of new material for this blog, and am now taking suggestions from the literally three people who read this nonsense. Today's request from a Mrs Trellis of North Wales asks whether I have a hamster photo. Well no, but I do have a holiday snapshot from New Zealand depicting balls of stone.

It turns out that the boulders are too heavy to roll back to the car to take home as garden features.

These are the slightly famous Mouraki Boulders on the South Island, naturally formed, and stunning to see scattered along the beach. If only Cambridge Council showed some initiative, some similar boulders on Floreat Dog Beach would attract the tourists in droves.

I now feel embouldened.


  1. Hi Simon,

    Yes of course I'd follow any suggestions from you. My other two readers have used up their internet quota for the month and have had to stop reading :(
