Friday, January 20, 2012

Writer's Block

It's a sure sign of an uninspired blog or newspaper column when the topic is writer's block. But please forgive me today because I'll be telling you how to overcome it, rather than listing humorously the distractions that hit when you should be sitting at a keyboard. Here is how to get going with creative writing.

1. Write daily. My top tip is to try to commit to write something at least daily. Should you choose to put your thoughts into words less regularly then what'll happen is that you'll forever be waiting for inspiration, looking for a strong idea, waiting for the right mood for writing and waiting for a time when nothing is on tv, nothing is on the radio and you're not in need of a kitchen snack. And it's so easy to defer that writing session till tomorrow and then another day. And a week and a month go past. So with the expectation of daily writing, you'll just get on with it as part of your routine.

2. Observe. What if you don't have anything to say? You should be looking for inspiration every waking minute. A funny incident at work, or an incident at the park when you're walking the dog. Anything out of the ordinary can be noted and used. It helps to write down the idea because it can go and soon as it comes. Once your mind is attuned to this, you can quickly accumulate enough topics.

3. Work it. You're sitting at a keyboard and you still have nothing - don't despair. Half of the time I start to blog without a completely blank mind. I take the first thought that hits me and then expand upon it. I might see a paperclip on the desk and then do some research and see if there's an interesting story behind it. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but if you approach the topic with gusto and enthusiasm, there's a better chance.

Now go away and write an essay for me.

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