Monday, July 11, 2011

Chilled Pants

Given Perth's current record cold snap,  naturally the denizens of my frigid office resorted to turning on their personal radiators to maximum. But no, this feeble attempt to stay warm was apparently illegal - we got a call from our facilities office to say that the thermostat on the wall was reading 28 degrees, and so we weren't allowed further warming. The only good point about this ridiculously stupid ruling was that we did end up warming ourselves due to our vigorous laughing. The actual temperature of our office at this time was around 12 degrees with a wind chill factor of 8 degrees.

Half a century since Perth has stayed this cold

Brett Dutschke, Monday July 11, 2011 - 18:22 EST
Perth has just had its coldest day in two years, and is having its longest run of days below 17 degrees in 51 years, according to

Cloud and rain today kept the city from warming past 13 degrees, five below the July average maximum, making it the coldest day since June 2009.

Perth has now failed to warm to 17 degrees in each of the last 10 days, the longest run this cold since the winter of 1960, when there were also 10 days. It was slightly colder during the 1960 run, with maximums averaging 15.1 degrees, compared to 15.5 this time around.

1938 was the last time there was a longer run as cold as the current one, 12 days. The record is 16 days, way back in 1908.

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