Sunday, September 29, 2013

Preparing for Travel

Despite the conveniences of living in the modern information age, I do reminisce about earlier decades when preparing for a holiday comprised finding appropriate clothes and luggage, buying a ticket and flying off, with a guidebook and map and a camera.  By comparison, this is how I've been getting ready for a round-the-world trip, starting in a few days.

1. Loading appropriate apps onto the iPhone and iPad. For example, interactive maps of the New York subway, timetables for Italian trains, Italian lessons,

2. Planning optimal driving routes through New England, avoiding congested areas at rush hour, understanding tollways and payment methods, weather conditions in the mountains, where to find the prettiest autumn foliage.

3. Travel adaptors and double adaptors are tracked down, so that appliances can be recharged in different counties.

4. Memory cards for cameras are cleared. Appropriate USB cables for each camera are found.

5. Electronic banking accounts and passwords are oganised such that I can access them from overseas and bills can be paid.

6. Ebooks are selected and loaded up onto the various devices.

7. Podcasts are collated and loaded onto the iPhone to listen to while driving.

And that's only half of it. If it all works, it's fabulous, but it takes weeks and weeks of work. Aaaagghh.

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