Thursday, April 11, 2013

Random Days

We chatted yesterday about the tedium of the weekly routine, the utter predictability of doing the grocery shopping every Saturday, eating a Violet Crumble every Monday, of playing four hours of tennis every Wednesday and so on.

One solution would be to randomise the order of days. Every seventh day, the next seven days will be revealed: Tuesday, Tuesday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday. If you hate the middle of the week, you're in luck: there's no Wednesday this time. Of course, repeated Mondays might depress some people, but fear not - the algorithm will make sure that by the end of the year, days are evenly distributed. So you may start off with a defecit of your favourite day, but that only means more of them later in the year.

It may be a disruptive plan, but I urge world governments to consider a trial for a year.


  1. Some of us went to high schools that used just such a system. It is over-rated!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Although I should clarify, it was a tad different to your proposal. Less random and more about non-week length timetable cycles. But still disruptive!

  2. Amazing. I wonder if this experience has psychologically scarred you in any way !
