Sunday, May 15, 2011

Unending Jobbies

It's so easy to be sidetracked when you're doing little jobs around the house. With a lack of discipline, you can find yourself in a weird situation whereby you're both very busy and very unproductive. It can all start with a deceptively simple job of pruning a rose.

1. You go to the cupboard to find the secateurs.

2. Opening the cupboard door, you notice that handle is slightly loose.

3. You look for a suitable screwdriver in the toolbox, but can't find one.

4. You drive to Bunning to buy a new one.

5. On sale are some rolls of turf, just what you need. So you buy some and forget the screwdriver.

6. Unloading the turf from your boot, you find loose soil everywhere. What you need is some tarpaulin to protect the car in future.

7. Head back to Bunnings for the tarpaulin. Again forgetting the screwdriver.

8. Back home, your car is still soiled, so you vacuum it. The vacuum dies so you drive over to your mum's place to borrow hers.

9. She mentions that her gutters need cleaning, so you spend a few hours on the roof removing leaf litter.

Now it's lunchtime and it's time to reflect. After several hours of activity, one small task has morphed into four with no end in sight, and the initial enthusiasm has been replaced by a weary resignation that it's not going to end today.


  1. lol!! I can just picture you doing all this Lewk!!

  2. you never needed much encouragement to get on a roof

  3. Yes Bod. My favourite thing is to jump from one roof to another, Spiderman style.
