For the last decade, a charming black and white cat has lived with me. From certain angles he resembles a panda while from others he looks like a certain Teutonic dictator with a neat black moustache. But wait: should you visit me this feline will greet you at the door and purr a welcome but you may also glimpse a shadow dark as jet, lurking in the unlit corners of my house, darting from one hidey-hole to another. And this is my backup cat. Should anything happen to the charismatic one, then cat two will be of use. He is currently as pointless as Prince Charles, waiting for the leader to depart, but one day he may emerge from the shadows.
His strangeness is not limited to his supernatural elusiveness. He also happens to be of mixed parentage: part feline, part lemming, as is evidenced by his tendency to fall from heights in suicidal fashion. His inherent lack of balance is apparent every time he sleeps and rolls off his perch.
It's tv time (7pm till 1am each evening) |