Sunday, May 22, 2016

Lewk's Tip of the Day

Only shave when you're in the shower. Not only does this save water, it's also a handy reminder to clean: you can tell when you last showered by the length of your facial growth. A bushy beard indicates that you've not had a wash for a few months, and it's probably time for another one.

Matilda Mist

On Friday I went past Matilda Bay early, before the sun had burnt away all of the night's mist.

Woodlands Sunset

Last Thursday ended with a splendid sunset. The whole western sky glowed orange for a few moments. I sped to a vantage point and made it to Jackadder Lake just as the colours were fading. But I still captured the last of it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Cruising back to Perth after the game, we followed the setting sun.

And just before the sun disappeared, we made it to Corrigin's dog cemetery.

Claremont vs West Perth

In attending thousands of footie matches, this is the first time I've been able to drive around the oval and park on the boundary. Sadly it's not possible to do so at Subiaco Oval.

Spot the hundreds of galahs taking flight 

Epic Flatness

More from the weekend.

Day Trip to Kulin

The wheatbelt is full off little hills with boulders sitting on top. Here are some near Kulin from last Saturday, although the date is irrelevant, given the scene is probably unchanged from one decade to the next.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Haunted Forest

Closer to Perth after a day in Kulin, I wanted to look at the stars so parked the car beside the woods, and got out. With the car headlights off, the complete darkness enveloped me. The black clouds smothered any light, and with no sources of light from any civilisation, it was eerie being unable to see a thing. The sensory deprivation was so complete that I wandered into the middle of the highway without realising it.

Getting back in the car, I turned the headlights on and this is what I saw in the woods ahead of me.

Nothing weird yet.
Now a bevy of phantoms are shimmering into view:- one floating on the left. and a Brady Bunch of red and blue ones on the right

The floating one is now in the centre, and has elongated, while several of the redshirts dance behind it

Brookton Blaze

Passing through the outskirts of Brookton in the wheatbelt last night, we came across a coven of people, dancing around an enormous bonfire in the woods. They were near a truckstop and had somewhat blatantly ignored the clear signs outlawing fires. But given the bitterly cold conditions (it was 13 degrees that afternoon), it was understandable they needed fire to keep warm and to toast their marshmallows. And of course the Satanic sacrifices were just for fun.