Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sunset over Jackadder

I've rarely seen such a pretty sunset. The whole western sky was aglow with purple and orange. Tragically I only had my iPhone, but it did a decent job of capturing the scene over Jackadder Lake. These are straight from my phone, unedited other than cropping.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Don't Come Closer !


Umm, is this an onyx, or a gnu, or an elk? Only a qualified zoologist can separate these closely related species.

Another Mongoose

Flappy Elephaunt

This juvenile male felt threatened as we approached in our Landcruiser. He stood his ground with ears out but when we didn't retreat, he ran off behind a bush.

Reclining Mongoose

Lion Sleepy Time


Forgotten Birdies

I've forgotten what these enormous birdies are.

Giraffe Triple Threat

Why couldn't they turn around and pose for the cameras?

Africa Rewind

Having neglected to post much of my footage from my recent African trip, I'll try to make up for it now.

Here's a hungry hyena, lurking not far from a buffalo carcass, waiting for the lions to finish.